mobivention App marketplace successfully launched

Home - Press - mobivention App marketplace successfully launched
Pressebild 2 App Marketplace
  • Written by Ines Kramer
  • Date: 22 Mar 2024

Positive response and first targeted customer discussions confirm the need for alternative iOS app distribution

Cologne, March 21, 2024 – Just a few days after the official launch of the mobivention App marketplace, the innovative platform is already attracting lively interest on the market. When the DMA for the Apple iOS App Store came into force on March 7, 2024, mobivention was the first company worldwide to successfully launch its alternative app marketplace. Interest in this innovative solution from the market is correspondingly high.

The service offering is aimed at three target segments:

  • Business customers who want to distribute an app to a closed user group (employees, customers, etc.)
  • Customers who want to offer their own alternative app marketplace based on the technology developed by mobivention
  • Business customers who wish to license the technology developed by mobivention and use this technology for their own service offering

Companies with their own apps for distribution to employees

The innovative solution is a direct result of the opportunities arising from the requirements of the European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) for gatekeepers – in this case Apple with its iOS App Store. It represents a game changer for iOS app developers and business customers by providing an innovative, secure and efficient way to distribute their iOS apps. And it does so without Apple’s rules regarding content review and business models to be realized, which companies often consider too rigid.

The launch of the mobivention App marketplace not only marks the beginning of a new era of app distribution, but has also already led to a whole series of concrete and promising customer discussions. “Since the launch of our platform, we have already held intensive discussions with a number of companies that share our vision and would like to use the advantages of the new marketplace for the distribution of their iOS apps,” explains Dr. Hubert Weid, Managing Director of mobivention GmbH.

The great interest from corporate customers confirms the demand for alternative solutions for the distribution of apps and underlines the potential of the mobivention App Marketplace as a driving force for innovation and growth in the digital world.

With a focus on flexibility, security and efficiency, the mobivention App marketplace offers companies a platform that goes beyond traditional methods of app distribution. Companies benefit from simplified publishing rules, alternative billing models and the ability to integrate different payment solutions – all backed by mobivention’s comprehensive support.

These alternative billing models allow business customers to implement customized pricing models for their apps and use alternative payment methods. This approach is in line with mobivention’s commitment to provide innovative solutions that meet the ever-changing demands of the digital economy. With these new models, businesses can be more flexible in their pricing strategies and offer more payment options to their customers, increasing ease of use and customer satisfaction.

“Our goal has always been to create a platform that enables companies to easily and securely distribute their internal apps and thus drive digitalization. The positive feedback and great interest we have received since the launch reinforces our conviction that the mobivention App Marketplace will play a crucial role in the future of app distribution,” adds Dr. Weid.

Development of own app marketplaces on behalf of customers

For companies that want to offer their own alternative iOS App marketplace, mobivention offers the option of licensing its technology. This means that the wheel does not always have to be reinvented and interested companies can take advantage of the opportunity for an accelerated time to market.

Licensing of marketplace technology for customer projects

In addition, mobivention offers the opportunity to integrate the developed technology into its own solutions and realize cost and time advantages.

“The groundwork we have done gives our customers a clear competitive advantage. Through intensive further development, also based on our experience in current negotiations with customers, we are securing our competitive advantage and expanding it even further,” says Dr. Hubert Weid, Managing Director of mobivention GmbH.

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About mobivention

mobivention is a leading IT service provider specialising in app and web development. The service portfolio consists of conception, UI / UX design, development and related services. The supported products include native apps, hybrid apps, PWA, responsive websites and web applications.

Founded in 2003, the company has around 30 employees and many years of experience in developing apps and websites for customers of all sizes. This unique expertise forms the basis for successful collaboration with well-known customers from a wide range of industries

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Bibiana Hesseler
Director Marketing
mobivention GmbH
Breslauer Platz 4
D-50668 Cologne
Tel: +49-221-677 811 0